Organic Cotton

Anandi Enterprises has implemented the organic cotton project with the noble visions of


Making cotton crop cultivation sustainable by avoiding the usage of chemical inputs


Preventing soil, water and air pollution


Protecting the ecosystem and environment


Production of quality cotton and the betterment of all in the cotton sector

Seed varieties

To meet the demands of the project farmers & the standards of certification, we purchase cotton breeder seeds of GMO-free, varieties of Suvin, Surabhi & Suraj from the Govt. Cotton Research Station Coimbatore. The same is multiplied in the fields of the project farmers with due certification from Govt. Dept & and distributed to the project farmers. The seeds distributed to the farmers are GMO-free. They are genetically pure with good vigor and better results. Farmers in these areas trust these varieties and have been producing cotton in an organic way of cultivation for ages.


From the year of commencement of our project from 2014-2015, the Surabi variety has been under cultivation with assured irrigation and produces satisfactory yield. It’s a long staple cotton with a staple length of 32mm. It performs well during the summer season, which has a sowing time between February – March and harvest time being July – August. Cultivation of Surabi is in practice in the districts of Salem, Namakkal and Tiruvannamalaiin selected locations.


It is an Extral Long Staple (ELS) variety, with a staple length of 40 mm and performs well in in Attur area of Salem District. This Variety is suitable for the winter season with a sowing period being August – September and harvest time being February – March.


This is a long staple variety with a staple length of 32 mm which is suitable for both summer and winter Seasons. More areas will be brought under this variety, in the ensuing Seasons.

Climatic Factors

A temperature of 29 to 35 C is congenial for cotton crops with favourable night temperatures. The average annual rainfall is 923 mm, distributed during south–east and northwest, seasons, favouring summer and winter cotton cultivation.


In the Project Location, the soil type is Redloamy suitable for cotton crops. Physical structure, water holding capacity and drainage facilities are good. The organic content of the soils is satisfactory. Crop stubbles of cotton, maize, etc., are ploughed incite to improve the organic matter of the soil, every season. The farmers of the project have sufficient cattle for the production of Farm yard manure.


Assured well water is the common source of irrigation, besides bore well water in a few places, wherever necessary.  The quality of the available water is highly suitable for cotton crops.

Project details

The Project has been implemented on ICS basis as per the guidelines of the Certifying Agency (ISCOP and Control Union). There are 6 ICS located in Salem, Namakkal and Tiruvannamalai Districts, covering 1753 Hectares by 2517 farmers

Staff pattern

We have two retired joint directors of Agriculture from the State Government Agriculture Department to lead the staff & and the project


We have one permanent field staff for each ICS, besides the required village scribes.


The Number of field staff and village scribes will be increased based on requirements


Every year we procure seed cotton from the project farmers at a reasonable price


In the years to come procurement will be intensified for the benefit of the farmers and the project


We have established a Ginning Factory in the project area itself, for the betterment of the farmers and the project

Methodologies for the Project Implementation


Class Training to the farmers.


Field Training to farmers.


Visit to problem fields by Experts.


Laying out field Demonstrations.


Conducting skill demonstrations.


Distribution of printed leaflets to the farmers.


Training the field staff.


Involving the Specialists from the Department of Agriculture and Agriculture University for various training for farmers & staff.


Every year we procure seed cotton from the project farmers at a reasonable price. In the years to come procurement will be intensified for the benefit of the farmers and the project. We have established a Ginning Factory in the project area itself, for the betterment of the farmers and the project.

Our Certificates